Vice Mayor Wang Gang visited Foster Laser to conduct a research symposium on foreign investment and trade

2024-04-24 01:16:07

On April 23, 2024, Vice Mayor Wang Gang, Deputy Secretary-General Pan Yufeng, Director of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce Sheng Qiang, and Deputy Director Wang Lingfeng, along with other relevant department heads, visited Liaocheng Foster Laser Science & Technology Co., Ltd. to conduct a research symposium on foreign investment and trade. The purpose of this research was to gain in-depth understanding of Foster Laser's fiber laser situation in technological innovation and industrial development, to provide strong support for the development of the laser technology industry, and to promote further expansion of local foreign investment and trade.

Accompanied by Chairman Xu Zhanguang of Foster Laser  Science & Technology Co., Ltd., the Vice Mayor and his delegation sequentially toured the company's research and production base, as well as the exhibition of finished laser equipment. Through the tour, the Mayor deeply appreciated Foster's strong capabilities and technological innovation achievements in the field of laser technology.The Vice Mayor affirmed Foster's accomplishments in foreign investment and trade and offered expectations and suggestions for the company's future development.


Both sides engaged in in-depth discussions and exchanges on foreign investment and trade policies, market expansion, and fiber laser technological innovation. The Vice Mayor stated that the municipal government would further optimize foreign investment and trade policies, provide more convenient services, support local enterprises in exploring international markets, and propel greater breakthroughs in foreign investment and trade.


Foster Laser Science & Technology Co., Ltd. expressed gratitude for the government's care and support, committing to intensify its efforts in fiber laser technology innovation, enhance product research and development, and continue strengthening cooperation with the municipal government. The company pledged to leverage its strengths, actively participate in international cooperation and exchanges, and continuously enhance its competitiveness and influence in foreign investment and trade.

This research symposium not only further promoted cooperation between government and enterprises but also provided guidance for Foster Laser's future development, stimulating the company's innovation vitality and driving the prosperous development of the laser technology industry. It will also inject new impetus and vitality into the further advancement of local foreign investment and trade.



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